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HYP~NO Drugs 
The School Assembly

Jeffrey Jester presents "Hyp-No Drugs the School Assembly" This program is designed to educate students, in a fun and entertaining way, about the dangers of drug use and other self-destructive behaviors that can have a negative impact on the life & future of the student and their education.

It all ends with Jeffrey's fun-filled comedy hypnosis show "Vertigo". Check out a video by clicking here. 

Not only is Jeffrey an entertainer but he is also a Licensed Chemical Dependency counselor who has been working closely with clients of all ages and backgrounds to guide them on their own roads to sobriety. 

With over 16 years of sobriety, Jeffrey shares a bit about his personal journey of recovery. Plus, Jeffrey describes how mindfulness along with cognitive, coping and social skills can be used to end the cycle of destructive behaviors and help build a pro-social and healthy way of living. Jeffrey keeps it entertaining by incorporating a little bit of magic into the program.

HYP~NO Drugs the School Assembly is a 90-minute interactive program for

Middle Schools & High Schools

Please use the form below to contact Jeffrey today about an event for your school.

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